Bacherlor Degree

Hydro Engineering

Provision of Hydro-Oceanography Science

Superior, Reliable And Leading In Carrying Out The Duties

The program aims to educate and equip TNI / TNI AL students to become soldiers who have physical and professional capabilities in their fields and have a bachelor's level of knowledge and qualifications (ST) who are skilled in the field of Hydro-oceanography Engineering to support assignments in operational units / defense equipment, institutions education, research and development institutions as well as maintenance/repair facilities within the TNI/TNI AL

Kami Menciptakan Lulusan Terbaik Bangsa


Menjadi lembaga pendidikan Hidro-Oseanografi yang mampu menghasilkan personil ahli Hidrografi dan Oseanografi yang professional dalam bidang pertahanan dan mampu menerapkan, mengembangkannya untuk kehidupan masyarakat


  1. Mendidik personil agar memiliki pola berpikir logis, ilmiah dan rasional serta berkemampuan teknis dan dasar keterampilan manajerial di bidang Hidrografi dan Oseanografi
  2. Carry out research and development of science from survey and mapping technology in an effort to contribute to the development of defense and security science and technology.
  3. Menerapkan ilmu dan teknologi Hidrografi dan Oseanografi dengan melaksanakan pengabdian di lingkungan kedinasan maupun masyarakat umum.        


Membekali para siswa agar menjadi prajurit pejuang Sapta Marga yang memiliki kesamaptaan jasmani dan profesionalisme matra laut, Pendidikan S-1 STTAL Program Studi Hidrografi dengan tingkat pengetahuan dan kualifikasi Sarjana (S-1) yang ahli dalam bidangnya, sehingga dapat melaksanakan tugas sebagai ahli teknologi pertahanan di bidang hidrografi serta mampu menerapkan ilmu dalam kedinasan TNI/TNI Angkatan Laut.

Graduate Profile

  1. To produce officer graduates who are able to develop character and personality as Indonesian people based on Pancasila and good physical fitness.
  2. Produce officer graduates who master the science and technology of defense in the military, maritime and naval fields to fulfill the interests of national defense and increase the nation's competitiveness.
  3. Producing officer graduates who have academic skills in the field of industrial management techniques, including the ability to make decisions, operations research, strategy management, modeling systems and other capabilities according to the field of industrial management techniques according to standards from the Indonesian Industrial Engineering Higher Education Cooperation Agency (BKSTI) and Accreditation Board of Engineers and Technology (ABET)
  4. Producing officer graduates who have the ability to develop their academic abilities to produce innovative work and are able to work together, have a positive attitude and behave well in applying their academic abilities in the official environment of the TNI/TNI AL, nation and state.

Learning Outcomes

Attitudes and Values
  1. pious to God Almighty and able to show a religious attitude
  2. uphold human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics
  3. contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state and civilization based on Pancasila
  4. act as citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation
  5. respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others
  6. cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment
  7. obey the law and discipline in the life of society and the state
  8. internalize academic values, norms, and ethics
  9. Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in the field of expertise independently and
  10. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship
Mastery of Knowledge
  1. preparing development staff in the field of Hydro Oceanography and its application by optimally utilizing organizational resources to achieve organizational goals, and having competence in the field of Hydro Oceanography applied to carry out the main tasks of the Indonesian National Armed Forces 
  2. menyiapkan tenaga pengembang di bidang Hidro Oseanografi dan aplikasinya yang mampu melaksanakan tugas pokok dan fungsi organisasi TNI dengan cara bersinergi dengan instansi lain seperti Polri, sipil, swasta didalam negeri maupun luar negeri terkait dengan bidang  Hidro Oseanografi 
  3. prepare development staff in the field of Hydro Oceanography and its applications that are capable of carrying out tasks included in the tri dharma of higher education, namely being able to carry out educational, research and community service activities in higher education institutions.

General Skills :

  1. able to develop logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking through scientific research, creation of designs or works of art in the field of science and technology that pays attention to and applies the values of the humanities in accordance with their areas of expertise, compiles scientific conceptions and the results of their studies based on rules, procedures, and scientific ethics in the form of published theses in accredited scientific journals
  2. able to carry out academic validation or studies according to their field of expertise in solving problems in relevant communities or industries through the development of their knowledge and expertise
  3. able to formulate ideas, thoughts and scientific arguments responsibly and based on academic ethics, and communicate through the media to the academic community and the wider community
  4. able to identify scientific fields that are the object of his research and position them into a research map developed through an inter or multi-disciplinary approach
  5. able to make decisions in the context of solving science and technology development problems that pay attention to and apply humanities values based on studies, analyzes or experiments on information and data
  6. able to manage, develop and maintain networks with colleagues, peers within institutions and the wider research community
  7. able to increase learning capacity independently
  8. able to document, store, secure, and rediscover research data in order to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism.
Special skill :
  1. able to design and develop problem solving in the field of Hydro Oceanography and its applications using systems approaches, models and methods
  2. able to analyze the situation and optimally utilize the national Hydro Oceanographic resources in order to determine the right strategy for military operations
  3. able to design and analyze variables in the field of Hydro Oceanography and its effective and efficient application to support military operations 
  4. able to analyze the needs of operations in the field of Hydro Oceanography and its applications needed in military operations effectively and efficiently
  5. able to analyze various information in the field of Hydro Oceanography and its applications that are useful for military operations effectively and efficiently
  6. able to manage and develop strategies in the field of Hydro Oceanography and its applications effectively and efficiently and can analyze the environmental impacts it causes and
  7. able to manage and develop learning resources in the field of Hydro Oceanography and its applications (tools, materials, messages, techniques, personnel, environment) in order to improve the quality of the organization in order to support military operations both war and non-war


  1. Pusat Hidro-Oseanografi Angkatan Laut
  2. Republic of Indonesia Warships (KRI)
  3. TNI/Polri Research and Development Service
  4. TNI/Polri Education Institute
  5. Staf Operasi
  6. Direktorat Wilayah Pertahanan Kementrian Pertahanan
  7. Pusat Komando dan Pengendalian


  1. Able to produce Human Resources in the aspects of applying marine science and technology, management of coastal areas and waters, especially in the fields of hydrography and oceanography both for the purpose of public welfare and for national defense and security.
  2. Able to produce human resources with expertise qualifications in the field of hydrography and oceanography required by the IHO (International Hydrographic Organization) yang tertuang dalam Standart Of Competence for Category ” A” (S-5A) yang dituangkan dalam kurikulum mata kuliah STTAL Prodi Hidros baik S1 (S-5A)
  3.  Having supporting facilities and infrastructure for practicum activities for students, with the latest technology in the field of marine surveying and mapping, especially in aspects of hydrography and oceanography.

Seklem STTAL Hadiri Upacara Pelantikan dan Penyumpahan Siswa Dikmata TNI

TNI AL - STTAL Surabaya, Kamis (30 Maret 2023). Sekretaris



overall student-athelete GPA for Spring 2020


class of 2020

bachelor's recipients were employed or both within six months of


class of 2020

gradueates hold a position related to their degree or career objective