Komandan STTAL Hadiri Peletakan Batu Pertama Pembangunan Gedung Pusat Pendidikan
STTAL-related news and activity updates are available and relevant for readers to stay informed
Komandan STTAL Hadiri Peletakan Batu Pertama Pembangunan Gedung Pusat Pendidikan
Mahasiswa STTAL Laksanakan UTS, Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2024 TNI
Facilities and infrastructure for educational academic activities play a direct role in the learning process, so that they function to expedite and facilitate the process of transferring knowledge from educators
Tree planting in student mess
Kasenat Certificate
Inauguration BEM Commander
Joint Sports Activities
Joint Sports Activities
General Cleaning Activities
The professors give the students the space to develop individually. There is no uniform teaching
Tree planting in student mess
The professors give the students the space to develop individually. There is no uniform teaching
The professors give the students the space to develop individually. There is no uniform teaching