Komandan STTAL Hadiri The 6th International Maritime Security Symposium 2025
Dharma Vidya Adhi Guna is the main motto of the Naval Technology High School with the meaning of Dharma (Devotion) Widya (Science) Adhi (good) Guna (Useful) so that the meaning of Dharma Vidya Adhi Guna is Demanding knowledge to improve better and useful service and participate in improving development of the TNI in particular, as well as the nation and state of the Republic of Indonesia in general
Public Service
Menjadi pusat pendidikan dan pengembangan iptek pertahanan bidang Kemaritiman, Kemiliteran, Dan Keangkatanlautan guna terwujudnya SDM yang unggul dan kemandirian alat utama sistem senjata.
Discover how to anticipate and adapt to the latest trends and digital
People program enabled me to be a fuller me, using differe skills and behaviors...
Using differe skills and behaviors People program enabled me to be a fuller me,...
Differe Using skills and behaviors People program enabled me to be a fuller me,...
Differe Using skills and behaviors People program enabled me to be a fuller me,...
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Komandan STTAL Hadiri The 6th International Maritime Security Symposium 2025
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