TNI AL - STTAL Surabaya, Selasa (18 April 2023). Menjelang
The program aims to educate and equip TNI / TNI AL students to become soldiers who have physical and professional capabilities in their fields and have a bachelor's level of knowledge and qualifications (ST) who are skilled in the field of Hydro-oceanography Engineering to support assignments in operational units / defense equipment, institutions education, research and development institutions as well as maintenance/repair facilities within the TNI/TNI AL
Updates regarding STTAL such as journals, agendas, reports and press releases will be displayed informatively
TNI AL - STTAL Surabaya, Selasa (18 April 2023). Menjelang
To become a Hydro-Oceanographic educational institution capable of producing professional Hydro-Oceanographic personnel in the field of defense and able to apply and develop them for people's lives.
Equipping students to become Sapta Marga warriors who have the physical ability and professionalism of the marine dimension, S-1 and D3 STTAL Education Hydrographic Study Program with Bachelor (S-1) and Diploma (D3) levels of knowledge and qualifications who are experts in their fields, so be able to carry out duties as a defense technology expert in the field of hydrography and be able to apply knowledge in the service of the Indonesian National Armed Forces / Indonesian Navy.
Attitudes and Values.
Mastery of Knowledge
Keterampilan Umum
Keterampilan Khusus
overall student-athelete GPA for Spring 2020
bachelor's recipients were employed or both within six months of
gradueates hold a position related to their degree or career objective