

Research and Operations System Analysis

Contribute to systems analysis and maritime operations research

Program Pascasarjana (S2) Program Studi Analisis Sistem dan Riset Operasi (ASRO) merupakan program studi yang sangat strategis, selain untuk memberikan bekal ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang mendukung tugas pokok pimpinan TNI/Polri ke depan, juga akan mewarnai proses pengambilan keputusan dan kebijakan pimpinan TNI/Polri, bahkan tidak menutup kemungkinan akan mewarnai proses pengambilan keputusan dan kebijakan pimpinan tingkat nasional. Untuk dapat membekali para calon pemimpin tersebut, agar dapat melakukan pengambilan keputusan yang lebih berkualitas dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah mengingat tantangan yang dihadapi dikaitkan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi alut sista yang begitu pesat, maka  diperlukan suatu pendidikan yang spesifik.

Prodi S2 Analisa Sistem dan Riset Operasi (ASRO) ini memiliki kekhususan dan kespesifikan yang utama, yaitu: merupakan satu-satunya Perguruan Tinggi yang berorientasi di bidang Analisa Sistem dan Riset Operasi teknologi pertahanan khususnya bidang kemiliteran (military science), kemaritiman (maritime science) dan keangkatanlautan (naval science), yang belum pernah ada di Indonesia.

Kami menciptakan lulusan terbaik bangsa

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Become a reference for the development and progress of Defense Science and Technology, especially in the field of Systems Analysis and Operations Research in Indonesia and is recognized internationally.


  1. Organizing educational master programs in System Analysis and Operations Research which have national and international advantages.
  2. Providing scientific contributions in the field of System Analysis and Operations Research, especially in the field of defense and security through research.
  3. Make practical contributions by utilizing System Analysis and Operations Research knowledge through community service activities or service to the community and government, especially in the field of defense and security.


  1. Producing development workers in the field of System Analysis and Operations Research who have competence in planning, organizing, and improving scientific decision-making systems on broad and complex defense and security issues consisting of human elements, weapons, work tools, machines, information, and other resources. This ability is supported by skills in analyzing intelligence data, using or developing complex methods or models, integrating information within organizations (dimensional operations) or between organizations (joint operations) for decision making in carrying out military operations, both single and joint operations.
  2. Producing experts who master the fields of System Analysis and Operations Research who are able to carry out quality scientific studies at both national and international levels on national defense and security issues.
  3. Supporting STTAL to contribute to the Indonesian Navy/TNI and the State in producing thinking officers to accelerate the independence of the main weapons system tools (alutsista) to reduce dependence on other countries.

Graduate Profile

  1. Act and behave as Sapta Marga warriors in every activity.
  2. Able to carry out data collection activities, data processing and analysis for the purposes of system analysis and operations research.
  3. Able to carry out system analysis and operations research based on theories and methods that have been obtained in lectures.
  4. Able to carry out supervision of activities in accordance with the managerial skills they have.

Learning Outcomes

Attitudes and ValuesAttitude is correct and cultured behavior as a result of the internalization and actualization of values and norms that are reflected in spiritual and social life through the learning process, student work experience, research, and/or community service related to learning which is reflected in the attitude of students as TNI soldiers and ethics based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Sapta Marga, Soldier's Oath, 8 Compulsory Armed Forces, Trisila TNI Naval and Tri Dharma College.

  1. Fear of God Almighty and able to show religious attitude.
  2. Upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics
  3. Contributing to improving the quality of life of society, nation, state and the advancement of civilization based on Pancasila
  4. Act as citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and responsibility to the state and nation
  5. Respect the diversity of cultures, religious views, and beliefs and opinions or original findings of others
  6. Respect the diversity of cultures, religious views, and beliefs and opinions or original findings from others
  7. Obey the law and discipline in the life of society and the state
  8. Internalize academic values, norms and ethics
  9. Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in the field of expertise independently
  10. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship

Main Competency

  1. Has a level of science and technology in the field of Systems Analysis and Operations Research, especially in the maritime military field at the Masters level of Masters-2.
  2. Able to solve problems with systematic methods and system analysis by producing optimal solutions at each stage of problem solving.
  3. Able to solve every problem related to strategic decision making in both the military and general fields by applying the methods of operations research and modeling.
  4. Have morals based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Sapta Marga, Soldier's Oath, 8, Compulsory TNI, and
  5. Have physical capabilities according to TNI / Polri military standards.

Supporting Competency

  1. Mastering and having skills according to their fields and able to work together, have a positive attitude and good behavior in applying the expertise in systems analysis and operations research.
  2. Able to develop his profession in accordance with the needs of the TNI/Polri service environment and the community.
  3. Able to analyze resource systems, logistics systems and reliability systems in the military / navy and social fields

Other Competency

Have a pattern of logical, rational and systematic thinking with the provision of science and technology system analysis and operations research, to be applied in the TNI service environment


  • Mabes TNI
  • Mabes TNI AL
  • Komando Armada RI I
  • Komando Armada RI II
  • Komando Armada RI III


  1. Graduates are able to solve various problems in their work environment and are proactive in the development of science and technology, especially in the field of mechanical engineering and shipping systems.
  2. Graduates are able to design, engineer and develop in the field of mechanical engineering and shipping systems.
  3. Lulusan mampu menguasai dasar komputer, menggambar teknik dengan AUTOCAD, SOLIDWORK  perencanaan dan desain dengan CAD/CAM maupun MASTERCAM dan mengaplikasikan pada mesin CNC.
  4. Graduates are able to complete the task of planning machine elements, are also able to complete the task of planning hydraulic and pneumatic systems and computer-based controls.
  5. Graduates are able to know the characteristics of metal and non-metal materials, know how to treat them.
  6. Able to perform maintenance on machinery, air conditioning systems and electricity.
  7. Graduates are able to communicate in English (minimum TOEFL score of 450).
  8. Graduates are able to communicate either orally, in writing or through the use of the internet network.
  9. Lulusan memiliki kemampuan membangun jaringan dengan mengop­timalkan berbagai potensi melalui pemanfaatan jaringan internet, peningkatan kemampuan keterampilan sosial and the ability to build and optimize networks (networking skills) (networking skill).
  10. Graduates have the ability to adapt (adaptibil­ity) and the ability to establish interpersonal relationships (interpersonal relationship).
  11. Graduates dapat berpikir dan bersikap profesional, sistematis, terbuka,  mandiri, dapat bekerja sama dalam tim dan berwawasan Iptek.
  12. Graduates can be more sociable, creative, respect other living things including respect for nature.
  13. Graduates have the ability to organize, leadership (leadership)know how to influence others (influence to oth­ers), the ability of communication skills (communications), as well as the ability to think creatively & innovatively.



overall student-athelete GPA for Spring 2020


class of 2020

bachelor's recipients were employed or both within six months of


class of 2020

gradueates hold a position related to their degree or career objective