TNI AL - STTAL Surabaya, Rabu (14 Juni 2023). Mahasiswa
The Electrical Engineering Study Program at the Naval College of Technology (STTAL) has several specific achievement targets for its students. Students are expected to be able to master defense and security technology in the fields of superior, reliable, and reputable electrical engineering, telecommunications, and electrical control engineering to support their duties
Updates regarding STTAL such as journals, agendas, reports and press releases will be displayed informatively
TNI AL - STTAL Surabaya, Rabu (14 Juni 2023). Mahasiswa
TNI AL - STTA Jakarta, Jumat (31 Maret 2023). Komandan
Becoming an industrial management engineering study program that excels in decision making in the field of defense science and technology (science and technology) in the military, maritime and naval fields at the regional level in realizing the independence of the main weapons system tools (alutsista).
Field of education
overall student-athelete GPA for Spring 2020
bachelor's recipients were employed or both within six months of
gradueates hold a position related to their degree or career objective