Bacherlor Degree

Mechaninacl Engineering

Designing, Developing and Implementing Machinery Technology


Soldiers who study at the Mechanical Engineering Study Program will be equipped with competencies in designing, developing, and implementing machinery technology in the field of national defense and security. The Naval College of Technology provides two levels in this study program, namely undergraduate and diploma.

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Komandan STTAL Hadiri Sidang Senat Terbuka Universitas Pertahanan RI

TNI AL - STTAL Jakarta, Rabu (29 Maret 2023). Komandan


Becoming an excellent study program in the fields of education, research and community service as well as playing an active role in the design, development, application of defense and security science and technology in the field of mechanical engineering and shipping systems that support the main tasks of the TNI.


  1. Organizing Bachelor Program education in the field of Mechanical Engineering and shipping systems that prioritizes and upholds academic, moral and physical fitness, based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Sapta Marga, Soldier's Oath, 8 Compulsory TNI, Trisila TNI Navy and Tri Dharma College , as well as a competency-based education curriculum that is able to accommodate and adapt to developments in science and engineering technology that are relevant to the needs of defense in the maritime and maritime fields.
  2. Carry out research and training so as to be able to design, develop and master science and technology of defense and security in the field of machinery and shipping systems to help solve defense equipment problems within the TNI official environment.
  3. Carry out community service activities through empowering maritime defense potential.
  4. Organizing and developing efficient, accountable, transparent and fair governance to support the achievement of STTAL's vision and objectives.


  1. Producing graduates from TNI officer sources who have technical and tactical expertise, moral and ethical qualifications based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Sapta Marga, Soldier Oath, 8 Compulsory TNI, Trisila TNI Navy and Tri Dharma Higher Education by having the appropriate physical abilities military standard.
  2. Produce research in the field of mechanical engineering and shipping systems that are useful for the development of defense technology in the military and maritime fields that have reasonable, logical and rational thinking patterns, and contribute to solving actual problems within the TNI service environment and society.
  3. The realization of community service based on reasoning and research that is useful in advancing people's welfare through empowering maritime defense potential.
  4. Realizing an increase in the quality of education, a comfortable, safe and conducive academic atmosphere through collaboration with stakeholders in the TNI service environment and other tertiary institutions.

Graduate Profile

  1. Graduates are able to apply personal character that has professional ethics and high professional attitudes, believes in God Almighty, and loves the motherland
  2. Lulusan Memiliki ketrampilan manajerial di bidang supervisi permesinan dan sistem perkapalan, berjiwa entrepreneurship, memiliki kesadaran terkait pengembangan potensi diri dan dapat beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
  3. Graduates are able to communicate effectively and work in teams.
  4. Graduates are able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during education to design, analyze and evaluate machinery and shipping systems according to the official location.
  5. Graduates are able to understand the principles and working mechanisms of machinery and shipping systems in order to identify and solve engineering and shipping problems in a systematic, critical, creative and analytical manner.
  6. Graduates Have personality, health and physical abilities according to military standards.

Learning Outcomes

The formulation of learning outcomes in the Graduate Competency Standards is expressed into three elements, namely attitudes and Values, knowledge, and skills which are divided into general and specific skills, as below:

Attitudes and ValuesAttitude is correct and cultured behavior as a result of the internalization and actualization of values and norms that are reflected in spiritual and social life through the learning process, student work experience, research, and/or community service related to learning which is reflected in the attitude of students as TNI soldiers and ethics based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Sapta Marga, Soldier's Oath, 8 Compulsory Armed Forces, Trisila TNI Naval and Tri Dharma College.

  1. Fear of God Almighty and able to show religious attitude.
  2. Upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics
  3. Contributing to improving the quality of life of society, nation, state and the advancement of civilization based on Pancasila
  4. Act as citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and responsibility to the state and nation
  5. Respect the diversity of cultures, religious views, and beliefs and opinions or original findings of others
  6. Respect the diversity of cultures, religious views, and beliefs and opinions or original findings from others
  7. Obey the law and discipline in the life of society and the state
  8. Internalize academic values, norms and ethics
  9. Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in the field of expertise independently
  10. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship

Mastery of Knowledge. Knowledge is systematic mastery of concepts, theories, methods, and/or philosophies in certain fields of science obtained through reasoning in the learning process, student work experience, research and/or community service related to learning.

  1. Mastering the knowledge of techniques to communicate in Indonesian both orally and in writing in the field of mechanical engineering and shipping
  2. Mastering general principles of science, engineering (engineering principles) and the engineering design required for the operation and maintenance of the machine and its equipment to support the readiness of the Alutsista.
  3. Mastering knowledge of work drawing codes and standards, and being able to implement the implementation of occupational safety and health
  4. General mastery of pneumatic, hydraulic and mechatronic control principles.
  5. Mastering theoretical concepts in general how to test materials and measure electrical components.
  6. Mastering knowledge about the latest and latest technological developments about machinery and shipping.

Skills. Skills are the ability to perform work using concepts, theories, methods, materials, and/or instruments, obtained through learning, student work experience, research and/or community service related to learning. The skill element is divided into two, namely general skills and specific skills which are defined as follows:

Keterampilan Umum:

  • Able to solve work and problems according to job duties and responsibilities in a systematic, critical, creative and analytical manner.
  • Able to demonstrate quality and measurable performance in order to improve the readiness of the Defense System.
  • Able to cooperate, communicate and take the necessary initiatives for the interests and readiness of Alutsista.
  • Able to be responsible for their own work and be responsible for the quality and quantity of the work of subordinates and colleagues.
  • Able to document, store, secure and retrieve data to ensure validity.

Special skill :

  • Able to apply mathematics, software, natural science, and engineering principles into technical procedures and practices to solve problems in the office, especially in the fields of engineering and construction.
  • Able to apply pneumatic and hydraulic control systems as well as mechatronics.
  • Able to carry out aircraft operations and planned maintenance systems on an ongoing basis.
  • Able to use and utilize modern technology for defense equipment readiness.
  • Able to make work plans, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and implement them


  1. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
  2. Dismatal
  3. Fasharkan


  1. Source STTAL students from TNI officers who have a level of technical and tactical expertise qualifications who have experience in the service so that it is easier to understand the theory and material provided.
  2. Thesis topics that are taken are mostly sourced from field problems during official work and are interesting/up-to-date so that data collection is easy and accurate and produces thesis products that are very useful and useful for official work.
  3. Graduates Have personality, health and physical abilities according to military standards.
  4. Have morals and ethics that are based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Sapta Marga, Soldier's Oath, 8 Compulsory TNI, Trisila TNI Navy and Tri Dharma College



overall student-athelete GPA for Spring 2020


class of 2020

bachelor's recipients were employed or both within six months of


class of 2020

gradueates hold a position related to their degree or career objective