TNI AL - STTAL Jakarta, Rabu (29 Maret 2023). Komandan
Soldiers who study at the Mechanical Engineering Study Program will be equipped with competencies in designing, developing, and implementing machinery technology in the field of national defense and security. The Naval College of Technology provides two levels in this study program, namely undergraduate and diploma.
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TNI AL - STTAL Jakarta, Rabu (29 Maret 2023). Komandan
Becoming an excellent study program in the fields of education, research and community service as well as playing an active role in the design, development, application of defense and security science and technology in the field of mechanical engineering and shipping systems that support the main tasks of the TNI.
The formulation of learning outcomes in the Graduate Competency Standards is expressed into three elements, namely attitudes and Values, knowledge, and skills which are divided into general and specific skills, as below:
Attitudes and ValuesAttitude is correct and cultured behavior as a result of the internalization and actualization of values and norms that are reflected in spiritual and social life through the learning process, student work experience, research, and/or community service related to learning which is reflected in the attitude of students as TNI soldiers and ethics based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Sapta Marga, Soldier's Oath, 8 Compulsory Armed Forces, Trisila TNI Naval and Tri Dharma College.
Mastery of Knowledge. Knowledge is systematic mastery of concepts, theories, methods, and/or philosophies in certain fields of science obtained through reasoning in the learning process, student work experience, research and/or community service related to learning.
Skills. Skills are the ability to perform work using concepts, theories, methods, materials, and/or instruments, obtained through learning, student work experience, research and/or community service related to learning. The skill element is divided into two, namely general skills and specific skills which are defined as follows:
Keterampilan Umum:
Special skill :
overall student-athelete GPA for Spring 2020
bachelor's recipients were employed or both within six months of
gradueates hold a position related to their degree or career objective